
Welcome to the Security Platform Gas.

The market area manager Trading Hub Europe provides a digital platform – the Security Platform Gas – for the execution of measures according to section 1a (1) “Gassicherungsverordnung” and for the execution of solidarity measures according to section 2a “Energiesicherungsverordnung”.

The data to be provided by the market participants on the Security Platform Gas is important information for decisions by the Federal Network Agency as the Federal Load Distributor in the event of a gas emergency. The data basis supports the Federal Load Distributor in particular in the decision on necessary load reductions in the event of a gas crisis.

The balancing group managers, end customers according to section 1a (2) “Gassicherungsverordnung”, storage system operators and storage users in the market area Trading Hub Europe are obliged to register on the Security Platform Gas.

You will get access to the Security Platform Gas after successful registration.